The PhD program at the GSPRE offers a highly personalized training plan for each candidate, aligning with their unique needs and research interests. Students can choose from a variety of courses provided by the School of Biomedical and Precision Engineering, the University of Bern, and approved courses and from other Swiss universities or recognized institutions worldwide.
The PhD program requires candidates to earn a minimum of 6.0 ECTS credit points through participation in approved, scientifically oriented courses, workshops, seminars, and lectures throughout the doctoral training period.
The individual training program for each PhD student considers the student's prior education and its relevance to their research.
All PhD students must attend the two-hour Scientific Integrity lecture, offered once each semester by Prof. Dr. Torsten Ochsenreiter from the Institute of Cell Biology. This lecture must be visited prefereably during the first year of doctoral studies and the exam is conducented through ILIAS, the learning managament system by the University of Bern.
We strongly recommend that students should look into ILIAS (Learning Management System by the University of Bern) and CTS/KSL the Index for Lectures where registrations happen.
All University of Bern courses must be administered via CTS/KSL. ECTS cannot be entered from a course certificate. Confirm with course organizers in advance, especially if registration is not via CTS/KSL, that the course results will be entered in CTS/KSL. This is a University of Bern policy.